Intervene Drop Uncompromising New Single ‘The Conquering’

  • Phinky posted
  • News

Though always a band for whom compromise means very little, South Yorkshire’s Intervene have taken the past 12 months pretty bloody personally. The result is an explosively unhinged single in the form of ‘The Conquering‘, a track that bridges ramshackle indie with post-punk swagger and snarl, ‘The Conquering‘ is also the first self-propelled release through the group’s Major Players Records label. Three minutes of angular and anarchic energy, ‘The Conquering’ feels as much like a statement of intent as it does a single release, while also acting as a testament to Intervene‘s uncompromising attitude, which here feels more unfettered than ever.

You can stream and purchase ‘The Conquering‘ here and via SoundCloud below

Compromise is a curse. If no-one gets what they want, it’s all totally fucking futile. We’re all pretty wound up after the lost year of 2020, and if we’ve learned anything it’s that we can’t afford to waste any more time. No matter what this year throws at us, we’re set on finding our way out of the wilderness – where we’ve been for a last couple of years actually.