Clay J Gladstone Ask “Is This How I Die?” On New Single

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Sydney-based sad party punkers Clay J Gladstone have shared the title track to their upcoming debut album, Is This How I Die?, that is due out on November 1st via Def Wolf Records, the band are also getting set to tour the album across Australia alongside Of Virtue and Sienna SkiesIs This How I Die? cranks everything up to eleven, amplifying the bands trademark manic theatrics, spotlighting just over two minutes of sporadic shredding with a cheeky nod to past tracks and a hint at the deeper chaos Clay J Gladstone dig into on the forthcoming album.

“After my father’s death when I was 19, I developed serious anxiety and panic attacks, which I later recognised as a response to my own extreme fear of death and the unknown. This album chronicles my process to accept and cope with my father’s passing. Documenting emotions, situations and problematic thoughts I had throughout my 20s, moving from fear to acceptance. We want listeners to hear the story from song 1 to 13 as it is intended.” (vocalist Tim Wisbey)