Album: The Isotopes Release Compilation

  • Dustin Blumhagen posted
  • News

The Isotopes Self proclaimed baseball punks, The Isotopes are releasing a singles compilation CD, which includes remastered versions of their first four EPs, all of which are now out of print. The album, titled The First Four Seasons contains 16 songs from throughout the bands’ career. 

The band summed it up themselves with some impressive stats, fit for the back of a baseball card:

“22 members – 58 shows in 24 cities – 2 blown engines – 3 ball cap editions – 4 studio releases – 5 years banned from the USA. Contained herein is the complete recorded history-to-date of the Isotopes Punk Rock Baseball Club.”

No word whether the release will include stale pieces of bubblegum, but the first 100 pre-orders receive a “hand made, photocopied, signed and numbered program containing rare photos, anecdotes, statistics, show posters, tour dates, trivia, and more.”